3710 Rawlins
Dallas, Texas 75219
Commercial, Residential
Safety: Work Smarter
Today’s construction professional needs data visible to trade partners and laborers, with actual schedule performance. Enter Genda, which enables supervisors to proactively manage projects to minimize delays, optimize workflows, and act quickly in case of incidents. With safety top of mind these days, here’s a closer look at how the technology works: it monitors resources’ actual location using sensors and a mobile app; automatically identifies site activities and production rates in realtime; streamlines activity coordination using actionable insights to field managers; compares millions of activities to optimize the production and flow of work; and uses AI (artificial intelligence) to automate task allocation and workflow management. The company says it can deliver data more accurately than a wearable, that it is easy to implement, can be integrated to schedule and CM software, and that it can be used by everyone on site, providing insights to trade partners and laborers.
“I always say we need to work smarter, not harder. Genda can help by recognizing patterns and predict the time and location of an accident, helping with risk mitigation.”
Peggy Smedley