Author: Connected World

Cities need a more modern way to enable better parking. Naturally, there are new solutions coming to market for mobile payments, digital permitting, parking and curb management, and more for city planners. Consider an example from the end of last month. The NCAA Men’s College World Series was held June 14 until June 24. The city of Omaha partnered with Passport for parking, enforcement, and compliance. Here is how this can help: Residents and visitors have an easier time parking. Cities have access to insights to improve parking. Effectively manage parking, make informed decisions, and maintain compliance. Passport’s ParkOmaha, which…

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We must protect our critical infrastructure. In 2023, the healthcare sector reported more ransomware attacks than any other critical infrastructure sector, and attacks involving ransomware against the healthcare sector were up nearly 130%. Imagine the potential ramifications in small, rural hospitals. To help, Microsoft Corp., announced a new cybersecurity program to support hospitals serving more than 60 million people living in rural America. Working with The White House, the American Hospital Assn., and the National Rural Health Assn., the Microsoft Cybersecurity Program for Rural Hospitals will offer free and low-cost technology services for hospitals, along with free training and support.…

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