Author: Connected World
Connected devices can help us in all walks of life—and one place in particular is healthcare, which is seeing new technology help patients. Case in point: a deep brain stimulation device with a 15-year battery life allows more continual treatment of patients with movement disorders. Let’s take a step back first. Deep brain stimulation is the placement of electrodes in the brain connected to a battery-operated generator. This is like one that is put in the chest that is a cardiac pacemaker. The impulse of electricity can stimulate a specific area of the brain. Here is how this can help:…
The retail industry is struggling to keep pace with consumers’ growing expectations of sustainability. Two-thirds of consumers, including 75% of millennials, report they consider sustainability when shopping, yet most brands and retailers have failed to ensure the complete integrity of the primary contributor to their social and environmental footprint: their supply chains. According to McKinsey, supply chains account for up to 90% of a company’s environmental impact, underscoring the need for greater visibility and oversight.Heightened consumer awareness about the global impact of their purchases, along with a tidal wave of strict new supply chain laws passing around the world, has…
Guidehouse Insights says the number of EVs in shared mobility services will grow from an estimated 7.9 million EVs to an estimated 299.3 million EVs by 2032.
Berg Insight says the installed base of medication compliance monitoring devices will reach 8.2 million worldwide in 2027.
IDC says AI to be critical in learning and education as the devices market will exceed $150 billion by 2027.
Gartner says by 2027, the productivity value of AI will be recognized as a primary economic indicator of national power.
Government is often an early adopter of technology solutions and companies can look to the government as an example of how to use a particular type of technology to create a paradigm shift in many areas. As one example, Auterion Government Solutions is working with DIU (Defense Innovation Unit) to transform how combat forces leverage the abundance of information gained from drones within the operating environment. Known as collaborative autonomy, this capability allows drone operators to experience many benefits. Here is how this can help: Decrease cognitive load. Advance combat effectiveness. Realtime situational awareness. Looking to the future, we will…
ABI Research says enabling technologies like AI will fuel the build-up toward the metaverse, keeping the path open to 1 billion users by 2030.
Guidehouse Insights says more than 90% of all light duty vehicles sold will have some level of hands-off driving capabilities by 2035.
Berg Insight says the global satellite IoT subscriber base will reach 23.9 million by 2027.