Author: Connected World

Sometimes it is hard to look forward and know exactly where we are headed with technology initiatives, especially when there are so many different directions to head. But often, looking back can paint a picture of where we have been to give us the foresight we need to know where we should be heading. Looking at the next big tech trend and who’s leading the technology charge to make it happen for the companies and the worker of tomorrow, we must understand the biggest tech trends of now. We must identify the lessons we have learned in the past 12…

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We know between two and three billion people worldwide experience water shortages—and these shortages will only intensify in the coming years. Technology can help reduce the amount of waste. Let’s take a look at one example. In New Jersey, the Camden City School District’s kitchen and cafeterias have installed Document Solutions Business Life Simplified touchless water coolers and reverse osmosis systems. The systems were funded by the AWCF (American Water Charitable Foundation) and New Jersey American Water as part of an effort to improve students’ access to water for drinking and reduce the usage of bottled water. Here is how…

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Cybersecurity and protecting our data are perhaps the most pressing topics in today’s era of work. The reality is no business is immune and we each have a role to play in protecting our business and our work. The hard truth is each business is only as strong as its weakest link—and we all must become vigilant to protect and secure our businesses. We all have a part to play if we want to keep our personal and business data safe. We all also know each year there are millions of dollars lost to ransomware attacks from hackers. The cost…

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