Author: Connected World

Several companies in the transportation, robotics, and telecom sectors are turning to a new communications protocol to significantly cut the amount of energy required to send data. This shift has implications in of areas, everything from helping those companies meet their Net Zero carbon goals to making batteries last much longer. The new Zenoh protocol by ZettaScale is designed for flexible data management and transfer in edge computing environments. What follows is a conversation with Angelo Corsaro, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technology Officer at ZettaScale Technology and Connected World. Connected World: What is Zenoh, and why is it…

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Episode 806 1.24.23 Rabindra Ratan, associate professor of media and information and director of the SPARTIE Lab, Michigan State University, joins Peggy to talk about VR (virtual reality), the metaverse, and immersive technologies. He explains the Proteus effect and shares what it is like to teach classes in virtual reality. Below is an excerpt from the interview. To listen to the conversation from The Peggy Smedley Show, click here or go to to access the entire show.  Peggy Smedley: Everybody’s talking about immersive technologies and they’re talking about what’s happening in the metaverse and what’s really exciting, and for…

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From leveraging unmanned aerial drones to gather data about a battlefield to managing very expensive and specialized military vehicles and equipment to protecting against cyberattacks, the IoT (Internet of Things) and related technologies are helping the U.S. government and the U.S. military shore up the nation’s defenses (physical and cyber) while simultaneously tightening up and enhancing operations. Precedence Research estimates the market for the IoT in aerospace and defense will reach $156.27 billion by 2030, which is up from $42.4 billion in 2021. The research firm says factors fueling this growth will include the sectors’ drive to achieve operational efficiency…

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What meaningful opportunities will metaverse technologies offer manufacturing? As a New Year dawns, the resounding cry from manufacturers is: Where are the people? Far and away, the top challenge facing manufacturers in 2023 will be the ongoing skilled labor shortage. Experts say there simply are not enough people to fill manufacturing roles, especially amidst reshoring efforts. The labor shortage is one of many moving pieces shaping the manufacturing workforce—and the workforce as a whole—and these shifts, combined with the convergence of technology trends in Industry 4.0 and the IoT (Internet of Things) and national manufacturing trends like reshoring efforts, are…

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Manufacturing companies are creating new logistics sites to be the central hub for spare parts—which will be a key component to the international flow of goods. This will create a fast and comprehensive supply of parts for customers. As one example, Mercedes-Benz Trucks, Daimler Truck, has set up a central logistics hub for the global supply of spare parts in Halberstadt, Saxony-Anhalt. About 2,600 Mercedes-Benz Trucks’ suppliers will provide the logistics hub with their parts in the future. The new logistics hub will deliver up to 300,000 different items—from the smallest screw to a finished truck cab—to almost 3,000 vehicle…

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