Author: Connected World

LoRa and cellular—better together? A new acquisition brings two powerhouse technologies together for the good of the IoT (Internet of Things). Early this month, Semtech announced it will acquire Sierra Wireless, and the two companies say together they’ll offer the ultra-low power benefits of LoRa alongside the higher bandwidth capabilities of cellular. How might this acquisition—or, on a bigger scale, the combination of LoRa and 5G—enable innovation and growth for the IoT? According to Research and Markets, the LoRa and LoRaWAN (long-range wide area network) devices market will reach $6.2 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR (compound annual growth…

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Cities are getting “smarter”—or at least, they’re getting more connected and capable of supporting smart, data-driven decisionmaking. ResearchandMarkets says the global smart cities market will exceed $2.7 trillion by 2027. Part of what’s making cities smarter is smart mobility. In fact, by 2030, the global smart mobility market is expected to reach nearly $241 billion—up from about $40 billion in 2020, according to PMI (Prophecy Market Insights). With urbanization and population growth across the globe, more pressure is being put on cities and their transportation infrastructures. PMI suggests these pressures—alongside the increased desire for connected transportation solutions thanks to climate…

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Episode 778 07.05.22 Ruthbea Yesner, vice president, government insights, education, and smart cities, IDC, joins Peggy to discuss government innovation and smart cities. She explains how the pandemic has led to an interesting moment in time for the public sector and shares examples of how the IoT (Internet of Things) can lead to opportunities for innovation in government. Below is an excerpt from the interview. To listen to the conversation from The Peggy Smedley Show, click here or go to to access the entire show. Peggy Smedley: So, I’m delighted that you’re joining us today because this is…

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