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Success Stories: Robots Mow the Lawn

Summer is in full swing in many parts of the world and one common household task that ramps up in the warmer months is lawn mowing. But what if that task could be eliminated with a robot? Slowly but surely, that is becoming an option, as technology advances.

Consider the example of RoboUP, which offers robotic lawn care solutions. The company’s second-generation robot mower, the T1200 Pro, enables multi-zone management, making it ideal for homes with multiple yards or gardens. Homeowners can map out up to 10 separate areas in a garden and schedule mowing sessions on the RoboUP App, enabling a custom mowing schedule.

Here is how this can help:

With the rise of AI (artificial intelligence), these robots are getting smarter too. This particular robot has an AI database that can identify people and animals while maintaining a safe distance and is able to run at nighttime or on rainy days. While this is one example, we will continue to see new advances to make life a little bit easier, as technology continues to advance.

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