Author: Connected World

Today is Earth Day—what are you doing to protect the planet? Many businesses and individuals are taking the necessary steps to reduce carbon emissions, ultimately improving the environment for generations to come. Consider the example of 27-year-old Dillon Baster, who has an objective to convert upcycled agricultural waste into a compostable plastic alternative. To do this, he launched his company PlantSwitch, which has raised $20 million and is currently manufacturing 50 million pounds of its plant-based bioplastics annually. Here is how this can help: Break down in backyard compost in less than 12 months, leaving no microplastics behind. Resins feel…

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Step aside Uber. In many countries, we are now seeing the rise of electric flights that are offering taxi services between cities. For example, Japan now has an electric air taxi. AutoFlight delivered the five-seater Prosperity aircraft to the operator, which will be named in the future. This comes on the heels of AutoFlight’s February announcement where it demonstrated inter-city electric air taxi demonstration flight between the southern Chinese cities of Shenzhen and Zhuhai. AutoFlight’s Prosperity aircraft completed the trip by autonomously flying the 50km (31 miles) route. The flight across the Pearl River Delta took just 20 minutes, a…

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