Author: Connected World

PTC LiveWorx 2023, a live event in Boston, Mass., wrapped up last week after thousands of attendees experienced Xtropolis, the LiveWorx expo hall full of demos and interactive technology displays. It was PTC’s first LiveWorx event in four years. During those four years, PTC says it invested more than $3 billion in acquisitions and organic development, including its acquisitions of companies like Onshape, Arena, Codebeamer, and ServiceMax, as well as the launch of PTC Atlas and several SaaS (software-as-a-service) -based tools, including Windchill+, Creo+, and Kepware+. The 2023 event focused on the importance of sustainable digital transformation. In his keynote…

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If you want to see true innovation, look to what is happening in the U.S. Army. As an example, the organization is using technology that leverages sensors and effectors, connecting and fusing multi-service sensor data to multi-service weapons. Consider this. Northrop Grumman Corp.’s IBCS (Integrated Battle Command System) is part of the Army’s air and missile defense modernization strategy. IBCS provides a modular, open, and scalable architecture that integrates available assets in the battlespace onto a common, integrated fire control network, regardless of source, service, or domain. This architecture offers integration of current and future systems as well. Here is…

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Every second of every day, business, individuals, and devices are creating data. While no one knows for sure exactly how much data is created every day, it could be up to 463 exabytes per day by 2025. And even with all this data overflowing from every smart device and connected machine, businesses still crave more—more connectivity, more data, and, ultimately, more data-driven insights that can lead to data-driven decisions. As the demand for connectivity grows, so has the demand for data centers to process this information. Projections suggest this upward trajectory in data centers will continue throughout the decade, and,…

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