Author: Connected World

Fermentation is not a straightforward process—but the IoT (Internet of Things) technology can help provide realtime instrumentation, monitoring, and analysis of commercial fermentations. Consider the example of Precision Fermentation, which announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has granted two patents that describe the architecture and process used in the BrewIQ fermentation management platform. BrewIQ delivers realtime measurements of seven key fermentation metrics (dissolved oxygen, pH, gravity, pressure, fluid and ambient temperature, and conductivity) to the user’s web-based dashboard. The technology compares ongoing fermentation data with benchmarks and past fermentations for individual brands. Here is how this can help…

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Generative AI is disrupting industries, but experts warn companies not to throw caution to the wind. ChatGPT is an innovative technology that has taken the world by storm. It is an AI (artificial intelligence)-based chatbot that can understand human language and respond in a way that feels natural. ChatGPT has been used in various industries, including healthcare, finance, customer service, and more, and it has been gaining popularity as a powerful tool for automation and cost reduction. However, as with any disruptive technology, there are concerns about its impact on the job market, privacy, and security. ChatGPT has the potential…

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Is tech likely to cause a doomsday event? Millions of Americans seem to think so, according to a new survey. The survey includes responses from 6,200 Americans and extrapolated to provide stats that suggest up to 40 million Americans believe doomsday will happen in the next year, and 15.8 million Americans believe the most likely doomsday event is none other than an AI (artificial intelligence) apocalypse. Are these fears founded? Random people in a random survey aren’t the only ones who think AI is capable of harming humanity. ChatGPT has created a lot of buzz on the topic of generative…

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