Author: Connected World

Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, simulates a human brain by taking in large amounts of data and attempting to learn from it. In IBM’s definition of the term, deep learning enables systems to “cluster data and make predictions with incredible accuracy.” However, as incredible as deep learning is, IBM poignantly notes it can’t touch the human brain’s ability to process and learn from information. Deep learning and DNNs (deep neural networks) are being applied to solve complex problems in the real world, like weather prediction, facial recognition, and chatbots, plus perform other types of complex data analysis. Allied…

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The U.S. power sector is in the midst of what Black & Veatch is calling a “repowering of the power sector.” The EIA’s (U.S. Energy Information Admin.’s) Annual Energy Outlook for 2022 also points to the idea that the sector is undergoing a transformation. For instance, EIA points to the fact renewable energy is projected to continue growing more quickly than other sources of energy through 2050 as a highlight of its 2022 outlook. EIA also says wind and solar incentives combined with decreasing technology costs are supporting a “robust competition with natural gas for electricity generation.” Black & Veatch…

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