Author: Connected World

If net-zero emissions is likely on a global scale, it’s going to require ‘electrifying everything’. The reality and gravity of the climate crisis is continually setting in, especially as extreme weather events continue to negatively impact economies and as governments, business leaders, and ordinary citizens—not just scientists—are crunching the numbers. How can each nation do its part to keep global warming from reaching the determined tipping point—2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels? The Paris Agreement has spurred many commitments that will go a long way in reducing GHG (greenhouse gas emissions) as soon as possible, with the hopes of…

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In northern California, the Mosquito fire has ravaged the landscape, and it’s just one of several other fires burning in the state. Oregon, Washington, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah also had active wildfires burning in mid-September, according to the NIFC (Natl. Interagency Fire Center). Besides scorching the landscape, wildfires endanger people and structures, in some cases forcing evacuation, and they also send billowing smoke and CO2 into the atmosphere, affecting air quality across the U.S. and Canada. Can leveraging the IoT (Internet of Things) to detect wildfires early help mitigate the effects of climate change and drought that are…

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Last week was a doozy in terms of cybersecurity breaches. Shortly after festivities for Labor Day weekend ended, the headlines proved organizations can never afford to let their guard down when it comes to protecting against, detecting, and responding to cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, the first half of 2022 saw 817 cases of compromised data in the U.S., according to Statista, and at least 53 million individuals have been affected by data breaches, data leakages, and data exposures already this year. On September 6, the Los Angeles Unified School District announced it was the victim of a ransomware attack over the…

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