Author: Laura Black
As we usher in the New Year, businesses are still stuck in looking back. Much of the discussion continues to be centered on how businesses are going to recover in the wake of the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month, I explored which industries have been fairing well—and which are using technology to help. We have already explored manufacturing and construction. Today, let’s take an examination at what is happening in the energy and utilities sector. As global temperatures rise and natural disasters—like wildfires and hurricanes—intensify, the nation’s energy infrastructure is under greater stress than ever before. The amount…
Welcome to 2022. Despite inflation concerns and ongoing production bottlenecks, at the end of last year builder confidence edged higher for the fourth consecutive month on strong consumer demand and limited existing inventory, according to the NAHB (National Assn. of Home Builders). We ended 2021 on a strong note. Let’s take that energy and carry it through to the New Year. The month of January is typically one for resolutions and goal setting. In the next few weeks, we will highlight key areas—resolutions, if you will—specifically for the construction industry. Some of these resolutions include considering sustainability (in more than one…