Author: Constructech Editors

Things talking to each other—the IoT (Internet of Things)—was science fiction a few decades ago. Today, it’s common in many areas of many countries. The communications take place over wires, via 4G and 5G cellular networks (and some older 3G systems, too), and over hybrid systems that combine the cables and broadcast networks, with a wireless router at the endpoint. The sensors and intelligent modules that are the basis of the IoT require power to function, to communicate, and to gather data. In the current state, that means batteries or direct access to electrical power. The combination of connection and…

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A classic move in business is to flesh out a company’s portfolio of options with M&A (merger and acquisition) activity. This is especially true in the technology arena and almost demanded in the software subset. As an enterprise-level software company grows, it usually starts to see gaps in its offerings and smaller companies filling those gaps, often with both solid products and great success. Bentley Systems is no stranger to the M&A world. Its product lineup represents a good cross-section of how that can benefit the company and its customers. For example, in 2022, Bentley acquired ADINA R&D, a leading…

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Most construction sites and industrial plants have a lot of dust around. Dust, while a nuisance and, in some case, a health concern, is among the things that are just there. Everywhere. All the time. Special clean rooms are built to avoid dust (among other things) and a lot of time, money, and effort goes into preventing and cleaning dust on every kind of jobsite. But maybe there is a dust that is desirable, a smart dust that can be beneficial to workers and companies alike. This is one area being studied under the overall subject of nanotechnology. Smart Dust…

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For decades, companies have been encouraged to develop ESG—environmental, social, and governance—financial strategies where companies prioritize what they believe will create a positive benefit to society in the long-term, often by addressing climate change or issues like diversity or racial inequality. For the environment segment, ESG might assess carbon emissions, air and water pollution, waste management, renewable energy initiatives, and water usage. For social impact, ESG programs consider employee gender and diversity, fair labor practices, human rights at global locations, data security, and customer satisfaction. For governance, ESG guidelines can monitor executive pay, lobbying, diversity of board members, large-impact lawsuits,…

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The construction industry has always been quick to adopt new technologies that can help increase efficiency and cost effectiveness. BIM (building information modeling) is one process to enter the fray, and it has the potential to revolutionize the way construction projects are planned, executed, and monitored. Here’s a look at how BIM can help improve efficiency and cost effectiveness in the construction industry. What Is BIM? BIM is a process that uses three-dimensional computer modeling to generate and manage information about a construction project. The model can be used for everything from design and construction to facilities management and maintenance.…

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As the world becomes “smarter,” finding ways to connect data points along the IoT (Internet of Things) highway is becoming a stress point. Berg Insights has compiled a database covering the 500 largest cellular IoT deployments worldwide, including various types of projects and product categories deployed across all types of vertical markets including OEM (original-equipment manufacturer) automotive, aftermarket automotive, transport and logistics, utilities, infrastructure, buildings and security, retail, industrial, consumer electronics, healthcare, and others. The database includes project size and geographical distribution by the end of 2021 as well as a five-year forecast for each individual project. The projects included…

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The Bentley Systems iTwin platform keeps growing. One reason companies find the iTwin platform a good way to increase their penetration into the construction market is that Bentley provides an easy way to integrate software and products into the platform and adds its own additional benefits on a regular basis. For example, Bentley Infrastructure Cloud is a combination of enterprise systems that span the end-to-end lifecycle and value chain of infrastructure and is powered by the iTwin Platform. Infrastructure Cloud enables creation, delivery, and ongoing operation of infrastructure, through complete and evergreen digital twins. Infrastructure Cloud includes ProjectWise, for project…

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COVID-19 is still around even though many people are back to pre-pandemic behavior patterns. Companies are less likely to require or even request employees to wear masks unless they want to. Even customer-facing workers are less likely to wear a mask than wear a smile. But one aspect of the pandemic protocols is still in effect: many employees are working remotely, often from home. And that continues to present security and other problems to companies across industries. Remote workers need access to company files, digital resources, and even personal data. In return, they transmit data and files back to the…

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“Sooner or later, everything old is new again,” Stephen King wrote. What we are seeing today is that many aspects of modern life, considered “new,” are really just the old being updated. In some cases, the old is far better than the new and is replacing today’s version. Research has opened up unexpected ways to make the new like the old when the old has proven to be better. Material science, for example, has found the process that made Roman-era concrete so durable that, 2,000 years on, it still can support the structures that it did when new. And research into…

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Let’s talk AI (artificial intelligence) and all the news with ChatGPT that is getting the lion’s share of attention. An AI application—GPT stands for generative pre-trained transformer—that interacts with people in a conversational way using a dialogue format that makes it possible for it to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT uses an NLP (natural language processing) model created by OpenAI and has made a large impression in many fields because of its ease-of-use and ability to write about seemingly any topic. The ChatGPT language model was trained using billions of words and…

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