Author: Connected World

The metaverse—the so-called future of the internet—is a hot topic. As usual for tech buzzwords, some of the attention is positive, and some of it is negative. While the size and scope of the impact that metaverse technology will have on life and business in the near and long-term futures is not yet clear, what is clear is that it will have an impact. Its impact will start to become more obvious as the decade progresses. According to Precedence Research, the global metaverse market could reach $1.3 trillion by 2030, which is up from $51.69 billion in 2021. The metaverse…

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Some say Cisco was the first to talk about “smart cities” through its Connected Urban Development Program, and some say IBM started it with its launch of its Smarter Planet initiative in 2008. Whether it was Cisco, IBM, or someone else, the first decade of the 21st century saw the convergence of several critical trends in the IoT (Internet of Things) technologies and the need for sustainable development that prompted companies like Cisco, IBM, and others to explore the idea behind smart, sustainable cities. And while times have definitely changed since the early 2000s, the vision for smart, connected, and…

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