Search Results: sustainability (1071)
Buy, build, rent, gig? The “gig economy” has taken over in many areas as people respond from the last years…
The largest non-U.S. software company is German giant SAP. In fact, SAP is the second largest company in German (by…
Is the internet moving from a 2D experience to a 3D world? For many, this answer is yes, as the…
Technology can help corporations improve their ESG (environmental, social, and governance)—but how exactly? We often think of sustainability software solutions…
Older multifamily units are being examined for possible efficiency improvements through automation. Many, built before central air conditioning was available,…
Every couple of years there is a burst of M&A (merger and acquisition) activity among construction technology providers. Companies like…
Mentorship is important for both personal and employee development, with roughly 97% of people saying a mentor is valuable and…
The construction of this house might look like all the others but look a little bit closer and the home…
If the saying is correct, “Follow the money.” Money, in turn, follows the easiest path. Have a solution to a…
Wood has been used for buildings from time immemorial. Timbers have been found, intact, dating thousands of years in the…