Browsing: Future of Work
With all that we have witnessed in the world in the past few years, the internet is proving to be…
For those who don’t live there, Maine has a reputation as being a cold place in the winter. Actually, those…
Metaverse. The metaverse is still more of a buzzword and vision than a fully-fledged end goal with a defined arrival…
“Houston, we’ve had a problem…” When Apollo 13 encountered trouble with an oxygen module explosion in 1970, ground controllers in…
Green building. The green light has traditionally meant proceed, go, continue moving forward. As we move forward in our search…
Episode 763 03.22.22 Thorsten Wuest, associate professor, West Virginia University, joins Peggy to talk about smart manufacturing and the supply…
Spring is here. As construction work picks up, it’s easy to forget about good cyber hygiene practices. With geopolitical conflicts…
How can we construct safer homes, buildings, and infrastructure? This is the task at hand for many construction companies. We…
What exactly is a healthy home and how can homeowners live inside of one? Michael Don Ham, president and cofounder,…
How is digital transformation changing industry—and what impact does it have on energy and the environment? Dawn James, director, global…